Rblt Reliance Electric VFD 6SB401-156CNANA 125 HP, 480 V, Frame 6, 1Yr Wrty

Rblt Reliance Electric VFD 6SB401-156CNANA 125 HP, 480 V, Frame 6, 1Yr Wrty

Quick Overview

Reliance Inverter Drive 
SP600 Series
M/N: 6SB401-156CNANA
Frame 6
Series A
Normal Duty:  125 HP 
Heavy Duty:  100 HP
480 Volts
Does not Include Brake IGBT
1 Year Warranty. (Warranty will be honored as repair or replace first. If the unit cannot be economically repaired then a refund will be issued.)

* Our Rebuilt VFD's undergo an extensive rebuilding process to ensure that they will perform flawlessly for many years after they are put back in service. We start with known good units that pass our electrical and mechanical inspection and testing. The units are then torn down and all electrical components with a finite lifespan (electrolytic capacitors, switches, relays, keypads, etc.) are replaced. Smaller fans are discarded and new ones installed. Larger fans are either replaced or new bearings are installed and the fan is cleaned and rebuilt. The unit is then ultrasonically cleaned and baked. All covers, plates, heatsinks, and housings are inspected for quality and integrity. If they are not up to standards then they are replaced with new or suitable replacements. The unit can then be fully assembled and motor load tested in both directions until the unit is up to full operating temperature.

   If we are going to put our name on it and stand behind it with a warranty, it is going to be done right!*

Location - PRIMSA Middle Room

  • In Stock: 1
  • Brand: Reliance Electric
  • Condition: Seller refurbished
  • SKU: SD12901
  • MPN: 6SB401-156CNANA

Reliance Inverter Drive 
SP600 Series
M/N: 6SB401-156CNANA
Frame 6
Series A
Normal Duty:  125 HP 
Heavy Duty:  100 HP
480 Volts
Does not Include Brake IGBT
1 Year Warranty. (Warranty will be honored as repair or replace first. If the unit cannot be economically repaired then a refund will be issued.)

* Our Rebuilt VFD's undergo an extensive rebuilding process to ensure that they will perform flawlessly for many years after they are put back in service. We start with known good units that pass our electrical and mechanical inspection and testing. The units are then torn down and all electrical components with a finite lifespan (electrolytic capacitors, switches, relays, keypads, etc.) are replaced. Smaller fans are discarded and new ones installed. Larger fans are either replaced or new bearings are installed and the fan is cleaned and rebuilt. The unit is then ultrasonically cleaned and baked. All covers, plates, heatsinks, and housings are inspected for quality and integrity. If they are not up to standards then they are replaced with new or suitable replacements. The unit can then be fully assembled and motor load tested in both directions until the unit is up to full operating temperature.

   If we are going to put our name on it and stand behind it with a warranty, it is going to be done right!*

Location - PRIMSA Middle Room